Information we have available on the historical brand Krakauer Bros. Fair condition Krakauer Brothers piano serial number 21741 circa 1900. Buyers & sellers can determine a piano's fair market or resale value. From the serial number your Piano is dated circa 1. The serial number dates this piano to 1965. I have a Krakauer Brothers piano # XXXXX Aprox how much is. Posts about 1926 Krakauer Brothers 5.5 Ft.

Looking for Something Similar? Check out this handsome oak. Krakauer was a prominent piano company, known for making pianos of high quality and for its. The company's growth led to the opening of a factory on Cypress Avenue and 136th to 137th Street in The Bronx, New York City. To find the age of your piano, you will need the name and serial number.
Serial numbers can be found in locations marked by a S The serial number on GRAND PIANOS is stamped on the gold colored plate located where. Serial numbers are for first piano made in year shown. Krakauer Brothers, also known as Krakauer, was an American manufacturer of handmade, high-quality pianos, founded 1869 in New York City by the Jewish immigrant Simon Krakauer, his son David and his brother Julius. 2012 08 16 06 27 51 Krakauer Player Piano Demo - Duration. Old Upright piano Krakauer & brothers upright grand - Duration. I have a 1925 krakauer brothers upright piano in good condition.